Pineapple Hill Saloon

4454 Van Nuys Blvd.
Van Nuys CA 91403
(818) 789-0679
  • PUB QUIZ—Tuesdays @ 8:00pm


Tue Jan 9 2024
| by Quizmaster Casey Kopp

Great night at PH!! Packed house full of awesome humans!! 
It was a close game all night for a lot of teams, but shoutout to Camp Mohawk for claiming the victory! And congrats to KidsWhoCantReadGood for winning the drinking round!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 11501 Camp Mohawk 76 12 1.000
2 Wine Not 58 11 0.917
3 15760 Free Smoke 57 10 0.833
4 10155 Tequila Mockingbirds 55 9 0.750
5 119544 The Bald & The Beautiful & Sean 48 8 0.667
6 Sneaky Linkers 46 7 0.583
7 90331 KidsWhoCantReadGood 42 6 0.500
8 Anyone hiring?? 38 5 0.417
9 Smartinis 32 4 0.333
10 89138 Kaneleo 29 3 0.250
11 10063 the oxymorons 28 2 0.167
12 114357 Not Camp mohawk 0 0 0.042
12 Oxymorons 2 0 0 0.042