Quiz Recap – Pitfire Pizza NoHo – Tue May 15 2018 — King Trivia

Pitfire Pizza NoHo

5211 Lankershim Blvd
North Hollywood CA 91601
(818) 980-2949


Tue May 15 2018
| by Quizmaster Mike A

Another beautiful evening at PitFire Pizza roused both participants and onlookers in the heart of North Hollywood.

For the second week in a row, the talented veteran group of A Fish Called Wakanda took home the top prize.

Newcomers, Pretty Faces, Tiny Wieners jumped significantly to finish second. Welcome back!

Finally, The Milk Lords worked an efficient game, finishing within the top 3.

Special shoutouts to Hi with a small crew finished in fourth, and We Came Here for the Pizza, but Stayed for the Trivia embodies everything we hope to do! Come for a night of inconspicuous dinner, stay from some awesome free trivia! Thank you for joining us!

This week for our drinking round, we ask: What is the worst Mother's Day Gift? Somehow it was a bit STD heavy.

A Fish Called Wakanda: An Episiotomy (look it up)

No-Ho, Oh No No: A Limp Handshake

Suck it, Trebek - A Grandchild

Hi: Herpes

Markle Hamill: The Clap

Pretty Faces, Tiny Wieners: A miscarriage?

We Came Here for the Pizza, but Stayed for the Trivia: Birth Control Pills / Condoms

and your winner, The Milk Lords

You decide to take your mom to Burbon Steak Happy Hour. You pull up to valet and they tell you they won't valet your car. So you start to drive away, but then they say they will do it. You get to happy hour to be told you can't get food at the bar... And... there is no happy hour. So you decide to go to the bar in Nordstroms instead, where you get "okay" cocktails, and overcooked salmon. Then... you go home and watch tv... (true story). #firstworldproblems.

See you all next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10016 A Fish Called Wakanda 80 11 1.000
2 Pretty Faces, Tiny Wieners 67 10 0.909
3 10705 Milk Lords 64 9 0.818
4 10808 Hi 60 8 0.727
5 Noho, Oh No No! 56 7 0.636
6 Markle Hamill 46 6 0.545
7 Suck it, Trebek! 40 5 0.455
8 London 36 4 0.364
9 We Came Here for the Pizza, but Stayed for the Trivia 34 3 0.273
10 Genjis 12 2 0.182
11 IB and RG 8 1 0.091
12 Double Rs 5 0 0.000