Ravenna Brewing Company

5408 26th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98105
(206) 743-8450
About Ravenna Brewing Company

Excessively fascinating, handcrafted Seattle beer. Just across from Ravenna Park. Kiddo and pet friendly!


Tue Aug 27 2019
| by Quizmaster Matthew Christopher Skrimmage Nykaza

It was another great evening at Ravenna, like we always have on Tuesday nights. There was an amazing food truck, great beer, and something else... TRIVIA. We had 13 amazing teams all battling it out for the top prize, but in the end only one was able to claim that crown.

In first place, finishing with 65 points, was Lauren's Bachelorette Party. Second place was a hotly contested affair with 6 teams all within 10 points. It came down to a tie breaking question which Extramarital Orgasms was able to come out on top. Tough luck for the third place team Risky Biscuits, but a third place prize wasn't a bad take.

Overall you all know the drill by now. Ravenna continues to churn out great beer, great fun, and great trivia. We'll be back at 7:00pm next Tuesday for more of the same fun. See you there!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 13240 Lauren's Bachelorette Party 65 11 1.000
2* Extramarital Orgasms 58 9 0.864
2 Risky Biscuits 58 9 0.864
4 13586 This Picture Round is B.S. 54 8 0.727
5 22319 Our mascot is the best mascot 53 7 0.636
6 Charlie's Asians 50 6 0.545
7 Salami Mamis 47 5 0.455
8 Jenguh Jamboree 42 4 0.364
9 22103 Nuclear Hurricanes 38 3 0.273
10 Matt Should Host a Presidential Debate 33 2 0.182
11 The 5th Udder 29 1 0.091
12 Lauren's Breakup Party 4 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker