Red Star Taco Bar

454 St Helens Ave
Tacoma WA 98402
(253) 545-9795


Mon Mar 21 2022
| by Quizmaster brittany ristick

   Another Monday night, you know what that means? Questions galore! It may not have been a typical weather or the first day o spring, but contestants will play; rain or shine. Red Star was bumpin' hard and everyone was having a stellar night!

   What a mixed bag of rounds we had. Players had to name the supporting characters from either Star Trek or Star Wars. Fashion icon & No Doubt lead singer Gwen Stefani was in the "guess who" spotlight. The Jazzagals did the best Scooby-Doo IMO in the "Drinking Round". Beans, beans, the musical fruit was what all connected in round five. Teams had to match the Saturday Night Live performer to the character they play. And in the final round, contestants had to list off US states and territories with women in government. So let's see which of our teams earned themselves kickass prizes. 

   In second to last, we have Slytherin in Your Bed with 19 points. Returning team Tacoma Supersonic earned themselves a second place spot with a total of 59 points. And the winners last night were The A&K with a whooping 65 points. Give our winners a round of applause! <clap, clap, clap> 

  I really feel like more often I've had a very special connection to each team That's played here at Red Star. I just hope that I'm doing the same as well. Thanks to everyone for making me feel like I'm Welcomed. This is Brittany, your quizmaster, signing off.  

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 57453 The A&K 65 8 1.000
2 52316 Tacoma SuperSonics 59 7 0.875
3 57462 Don’t get mad; Get Evan 54 6 0.750
4 57445 The spring chickens 50 5 0.625
5 57479 Farts 32 4 0.500
6 57449 We’re down for the ride 27 3 0.375
7 55312 The Jazzagals 25 2 0.250
8 57456 Pink TACOma 22 1 0.125
9 57455 Slytherin to your bed 19 0 0.000