Quiz Recap – Red Star Taco Bar – Mon May 30 2022 — King Trivia

Red Star Taco Bar

454 St Helens Ave
Tacoma WA 98402
(253) 545-9795


Mon May 30 2022
| by Quizmaster brittany ristick

   It's officially summertime! The days last longer, the sun is giving people their much needed Vitamin D, and it's starting to get warm outside. What a better time to chill out at a bar; drinking refreshing cocktails or beers and flexing the brain muscles playing trivia. Here's the lowdown on the evening's festivities.

   The second round was a blast from Nickelodeon's past in the visual round. Round three was quite "peachy" to say the least. Dom Torretto, iconic character from the Fast and the Furious franchise portrayed by Vin Diesel, was who the teams had to guess. Stool was the big connection in round five. Players had to match the race to the location its held at. Finally, the contestants had to list the top 10 largest university libraries with the most titles. Now, onto the teams who came out victorious. 

   Coming in second-to-last place was Clandon earning 32 points. Returning team Medio-core received second place with a total of 41 points. And The Droids You're Looking For win the game scoring 48 points.  Great effort, guys!

   It was great seeing everyone out on Memorial day weekend. I hope trivia was a great send-off for those who played. I am tremendously grateful for those regulars who stop in and play when they have availability. It's also awesome to have new teams join in on game night! I must be doing my job right if I see familiar faces again and again. This is Brittany, you Quizmaster, signing off! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 43969 The Droids You're Looking For 48 4 1.000
2 58522 Medio-core 41 3 0.750
3 63167 r-slash-Tacoma 39 2 0.500
4 68451 Clandon 32 1 0.250
5 68459 BarcaLounger 30 0 0.000