Ritual Brewing Company

1315 Research Dr
Redlands CA 92374
(909) 478-7800
About Ritual Brewing Company

Visit Ritual Brewing Co. and enjoy our award winning beer! Our brewery / taproom is open 6 days a week and offers tours and live local bands on the weekends. Pick up a 6-pack of our beer at your local retailer!

Our brewery is located on 1315 Research Drive, Redlands, CA.
Exit 10 Freeway at California St. - Go North to Lugonia Ave. and turn left
We are on the northwest corner of Lugonia Ave. and Research - Enter off Lugonia


Wed Sep 6 2023
| by Quizmaster Kaitlin Darnell

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 27505 Middle Mountain 72 10 1.000
2* 80244 Wet bandits 71 8 0.850
2 76484 Tell me I look pretty 71 8 0.850
4 97192 Megan and Ross are better than you w/o Megan 64 6 0.650
4 109732 Chips for the Table 64 6 0.650
6 29922 Mike say double 57 5 0.500
7 Dildo Baggins 48 4 0.400
8 109736 bag of worms! 46 3 0.300
9 An unconcerning cry for help 41 2 0.200
10 Last place! 39 1 0.100
11 Girly pops 23 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker