Tue Aug 29 2023
| by Quizmaster Madelyn Devlin

What a wonderful Tuesday trivia night in the lounge at Rock and Reilly's in Topanga Social! Seven teams fought hard through seven rounds of trivia to prove they were the champions of the evening. Drinks were flowing as each team showed off their knowledge of movies, American geography, fictional aliens, and card games. Half way through the night we took a break for each team to roll two d20s to see who would win the free drink round. After the first team rolled double natural 1s, The Reserve won a round of drinks on the house! At the end of a great night, the Fonaciers took home first prize worth $50, while HOV and Topanga Dissociation came in second and third. Join us next week for another fun game of trivia and experience all the food vendors Topanga Social has to offer! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 108192 Fonaciers 51 6 1.000
2 108231 HOV 43 5 0.833
3 108899 Topanga Dissociation 39 4 0.667
4 108900 We don’t know 38 3 0.500
5 108893 Front Porch 37 2 0.333
6 The Reserve 34 1 0.167
7 Black Mold 24 0 0.000