Tue Mar 29 2022
| by Quizmaster Cody Elles

Great turnout tonight! The tables were packed and the questions were flying fast and furious as our contestants clawed their way through. o

The Rockin' Reilly's Academy awards were a decisive win for Meryl Streep and RLSJ, but the big contest was for the top prizes and bragging rights as trivia champs! Our top three, in ascending order were Tommy's Boys, I Don't Know, and Review of Law and Social Justice! That said, all of our teams were winners in this quizmaster's eyes, and I'll see you next Tuesday at your one stop shop for Q's and A's, Rockin' Reilly's! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 58660 Review of Law and Social Justice 60 8 1.000
2 58663 I don't know 52 7 0.875
3 57594 Tommy’s Boys 51 6 0.750
4 58644 This Gentlemen 49 5 0.625
5 58659 Dew 46 4 0.500
6 58654 lizard’s return 44 3 0.375
7 58646 spicy mermaids 41 2 0.250
8 58661 corner supremacy 37 1 0.125
9 58647 Pickle Ticklers 26 0 0.000