A case of the Mondays isn't always a terminal diagnosis. At King Trivia's inaugural Monday night show at Schilling Cider, it was just what the doctor ordered.
After a lil' Round 1 General Knowledge warmup that was anyone's game, Trivia Neutron Bomb took a commanding second-round lead by doubling down on their knowledge of Rogers.
Round 3 was all about apples. And what better place to test these competitors' knowledge of the forbidden fruit than...a cidery? We saw a strong performance from every team this round, and a special shoutout goes out to 436 and Marv & the Marvins for joining the fun in this round and continuing to put up some solid numbers all night long.
This week's Guess Who was a real battle of wits, with a few teams making their final guess just under the buzzer and a few incorrect - but very good- guesses entered into play. Ultimately, Trivia Neutron Bomb was able to correctly identify our mystery man as John Leguizamo, which sprung them even farther into the lead.
After a tough Round 4, there was no rest for the weary in Round 5's Find the Connection. Our brave teams traveled land and sea - but mostly sea - to find the connection between Frasier's brother, the Chronicles of Narnia, and Guillermo Del Toro's Kaiju army, all of which referenced a body of water. Several teams got the connection (including one very controversial call by yours truly), but Trivia Neutron Bomb continued to dominate with a perfect round.
Our teams found their Hakuna Matata with Round 6's Disney Duos. The Team Beyond the Wall, Positive Control Group, My Long-lost Appendix, Trivia Neutron Bomb, 436, and Marv & the Marvins all got down to business to defeat...the other teams. Each thought they had the competition cornered, but a surprise perfect-round, double-or-nothing performance by each and every team kept the standings consistent heading into the final set of questions.
Round 7 threw most teams a curveball by testing their knowledge of the 2019 NBA Draft. Positive Control Group and The Team Beyond the Wall excelled in this round, with Positive Control Group finishing strong with a perfect 10 points and The Team Beyond the Wall making your resident Quizmaster laugh with their ultra-creative take on NBA team names.
As luck (and skill) would have it, both of those teams ended the night on the podium, with The Team Beyond the Wall taking Honorable Mention for Best Team Name and Positive Control Group securing the second-place slot.
In the end, Trivia Neutron Bomb dropped just enough Trivia Knowledge Bombs to hang on to their commanding lead for a first place finish!
Thanks to all of our teams for the creative answers, the moderate heckling, and for a damn good time. See you all next Monday at the Schilling Cider House!