Thrilla In Manilla? Rumble In The Jungle? These titles come to mind after tonight's bout between two heavyweights! Perennial favorites DaNile went toe to toe with Great Minds Drink Alike.
Round 1: Great Minds got all questions right, but payed it safe by not doubling. DaN!le Came out swinging! They doubled, the round...but swung and missed, forgetting about P!nk, and started off with a goose egg! (We Drink & Kinda Sorta Know Things doubled correctly!)
Round 2: DaNile & Great Minds both doubled correctly! (We Drink got 6, putting them in 2nd place)
Round 3: Again, Great Minds and DaNile doubled correctly! (We Drink got 4 points, dropping them to 3rd.)
Round 4: Most teams guessed who at 8 points, keeping the rankings the same. (Great Minds said they knew it at the 10 point clue, but played it safe! Would it cost them in the end???
Free Pints round: The Kids R Kelly Peed On hit the stopwatch at 5.01 seconds and that won the round, giving everyone a breather in this heavyweight bout!
Round 5: Great Minds & DaNile once again doubled correctly, keeping things status quo with Great Minds in 1st by 6 points! (We Drink got 7 questions right, and other teams were catching up!)
Round 6: Just when you think you've seen it all, the fight exploded all over the ring! DaNile doubled correctly the hand out round, and Great Minds got all the answers right...but DID NOT DOUBLE! DaNile now had the lead by 4 points going into the final round, even though Great Minds hadn't missed a question! (The Kids R Kelly Peed On, refreshed with their 4 free pints, doubled the round as well, surging them into 3rd place!)
Final Round: Stunned after the standing 8 count in the previous round, Great Minds Drink Alike went all out in the final round! Blow after blow,they combined head shots with solid body work! They knew their Fifa World cups and and they weren't afraid to show it! They doubled the final round, and completed the quiz without a mistake! If they took a chance in round 4, they would have been perfect! DaNile, knew their World cups as well! But alas, they forgot about Mexico, giving Great Minds Dr!nk Alike the win! The Kids R Kelly Peed On also doubled the final round, but missed one! What Is Trivia?, took advantage of that and fought their way into third with a solid double!
1st: Great M!nds Drink Al!ke
2nd: DaN!le
3rd: What !s Tr!v!a?
Free Pints: The Kids R Kelly Peed On
that damned P!nk! 😉