Wed May 15 2024
| by Quizmaster Brynmor Thomas

We had a super fun game tonight at The Pub! We had an early lead from We are f*cked, with a close race all the way through from Team Greg. Honestly, it was a brutal close matchup with twists and turns. But the amazing finale was mind the greatest part. On the final round, We Are F*cked went with a Double Or Nothing and took 1st place by only 6 points! Amazing comeback for the victory! Guess they weren't so F*cked afterall!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 We are fucked 46 3 1.000
2 Greg 40 2 0.667
3 132916 Me 20 1 0.333
4 133571 A team 0 0 0.000