The Garage

1091 Scandia Ave
Ventura CA 90034
(805) 647-968


Tue Jun 20 2023
| by Quizmaster Bridge Ortega

The Garage Bar was ready for some trivia tonight. Cousins with benefits had the lead or part of the lead all night long. They finished on top with 53 points. Didn't Flake scored a total of 37 points to finish in second place. The team with the best name, 2 in the Drink One in the Stink, finished in third with 32 points.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 18598 Cousins With Benefits 53 2 1.000
2 101759 Didn’t Flake 37 1 0.500
3 99083 2 in the drink one in the stink 32 0 0.000