The Grand Tavern

3601 Grand Ave
Oakland CA 94610
(510) 444-4644
About The Grand Tavern
Good food, hand-crafted cocktails and kind folks to feed your soul. Enjoy, friends. Your friendly neighborhood restaurant and full bar featuring unique cocktails, delicious burgers, fish and chips and nightly specials.



Thu Feb 6 2020
| by Quizmaster Paul Benson

We had a nice turnout for our new 7:30pm time slot at The Grand Tavern. What's In a Name started out on the wrong foot, but they soon recovered, coming in second place behind Max Assist. Team Simon trailed in third place, but only by a few could have been anyone's game! Special shoutout to our musical round #6, which led to an impromptu singing of "One" from A Chorus Line by all of the teams!

For the drinking round, I asked for everyone's ideal fantasy presidential candidate. There were a lot of fun and fantastic entries, but here is the winner:

Super Mario

  • always thinks about others
  • works well with others
  • eliminates turtle overcrowding issue
  • mushrooms legalized!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Max Assist 35 2 1.000
2 What's In a Name 31 1 0.500
3 Team Simon 26 0 0.000