The Grand Tavern

3601 Grand Ave
Oakland CA 94610
(510) 444-4644
About The Grand Tavern
Good food, hand-crafted cocktails and kind folks to feed your soul. Enjoy, friends. Your friendly neighborhood restaurant and full bar featuring unique cocktails, delicious burgers, fish and chips and nightly specials.



Thu Feb 20 2020
| by Quizmaster Shannon Holbrook

My 2nd week as a Quiz-mistress and we had 4 teams play with three of the teams coming to the grand tavern just to play Trivia! It was a tight game between Courtney & the Boyz and You're a Quizzard Harry! With the Quizzards taking the night. The Pantomime Mixers held their own and swooped in to win 2nd place in the tie breaker! We even had a drinking round. The questions: Which Muppet or Sesame st. Charachter would be a great presidential candidate. 4 votes for Oscar the Grouch. 2 for Miss Piggy and the Winner - Animal!!

shout out to Shelly and Max the amazing staff at Grand Tavern!! It's gonna be a great spring and summer with trivia on the patio!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 You're a Quizzard Harry! 40 3 1.000
2 Courtney & the Boyz 31 1 0.500
2 Pantomime Mixers 31 1 0.500
4 Hungry Bicheez 16 0 0.000