In honor of nothing in particular, this week's recap will be presented in the form of rhyming couplets.
Does the weather hot make you dour and down?
Then just bring yourself to the Lion and Crown!
The quenching of thirst and hunger is the biz,
More spirits provided by trivia quiz!
General merits of questions in Round One,
Are questionable with "Hooker in a Scrum".
And whilst a-swilling down rum amaretto,
Try to figure out Round Two Alter Ego.
Volcanoes and Valli, body parts connection,
Broadway Tony babes, Coca-Cola confection,
New teams, old teams, regular teams and solos,
In T-Shirts flip-flops, cowboy boots and bolos.
Come one, come all, and slowly sip a gin fizz,
Kill two hours, play King Trivia Pub Quiz!
Quizmaster Lou's amateurish prose now dispatched, here are three quick parting shots from that late,
great, master of science fiction literature, Robert A. Heinlein...
"Ignorance is curable. Stupid is forever."
"If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage, but not his judgement."
"How you behave towards cats here below determines your status in heaven."
Have a weekend, everybody. Just... Have one.