Twas the night before... Nope. Not gonna do it. Quiz Master Lou has gone to that well
before, so no poem parodies this year. Instead, I'd just like to give some heartfelt
thanks to all in the King Trivia Pub Quiz world who have made this enterprise so fulfilling
to this particular quizmaster.
First of all, there are the teams. It is you regulars who make up the ranks that fill
seats and keep sustenance in QM Lou's belly. I also include those who frequent Killarney's
as well as the Lion & Crown... Bar Flies, Beer Logic, Blood-Bath&Beyond, Hooligans,
IPMP, IFFY!, Ninja Turtles, NSFW, One Left in the Chamber, Pickles on a Plate,
Poonswagglers, Rockafellers, Royal Flush, Scott's Tots, Seal Team 3, Ship It!, Shredder
Squad, Smart A$$es, Stealth Texas, Tequila Mockingbird, Wossa Matta-U and Irish
Whiskeypedia. I also extend this to all the irregulars who poke their heads in from
time to time, too numerous to mention here but here are a few standouts... Age & Treachery,
Alcoballics, Bastard Barristers, Bumble Bees, Foot Clan, Mighty Mellons, Pilarinsky,
Snowmen, Bar Guys, Dallas Boolers Club and the Divas. And finally, all you newbie teams
who make one night stands (sometimes two)! Thanks for playing. It is a pleasure and an
honor to quiz master for you.
Most important of all, I'd like to thank Josh, Dave, Sara and all the folks at King Trivia
Pub Quiz who have given me this chance to live out this slice of show biz life. And for
enriching that part of my brain that stores tidbits of factoids, esoteric knowledge and,
well... Trivia!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukkah, Happy Kwanza, Merry Solstice and any other holidays
which come to minds (National Coquito Day, being one that just trivia'd itself into my
trivia canon!) I'll be back at the L&C on Boxing Day! Hope to see you then!