Well... Here we are again. Notching up another successful
King Trivia Pub Quiz at the old Lion & Crown Pub in Watter's
Creek. This week's roster consisted of regulars Rockerfellers,
Pickles on a Plate, Dallas Boolers Club, Deadly Alliance and
Bar Guy. Also, rejoining us after a long absence was the
welcome enthusiasm of Scott's Totts. Their ebullience and
esprit de corps has been too long absent. In addition, our
revelry was joined by newcomers Tiki Beach, who joined late
but made up for lost time. This dynamic duo missed round one,
didn't register their team, but still managed to come in fourth
place! Well done, newbies! Hope to see you return!
Deadly Alliance pulled into the lead on Round Four and held
onto the lead doggedly until game's end to win First Place.
The Rockefellers placed second while the Dallas Boolers Club
snagged third.
A loverly question set was submitted by our quiz overlords
which covered just about everything. Our quiz was like an
Everything Bagel. A little poppy, a little onion, a little
sesame, some garlic thrown in... Our General Knowledge Round
was pretty general, covering sea biology, history, film, stage
and pop culture. Our Picture Round - Your Tax Dollars at Work -
Identify the fictional government employee - proved too much
for one wag who didn't know HBO's VEEP character's name, so he
just put down Kamala Harris. Our Theme Round turned out to be
Quiz Master Lou's fave. It combined Baseball and Conspiracy
Theories! (I'm ambivalent about MLB, just a foil hatter!)
They're still giving out free weekends, so get 'em while they
last. QM Lou, signing off!