Everybody was a winner at the Lion & Crown in Allen this week
as three regular teams got together for their usual Thursday
night trivia contest.
Pickles on a Plate walked away with first place after a successful
Double-or-Nothing in Round Three's Theme Round, which consisted
of alternating questions about United Airlines and the United
Kingdom. (BTW, the rumor that the FAA has changed its name
from Federal Aviation Administration to Forget About Afghanistan
is completely unfounded. We think...)
The Rockafellers rocked second place in getting the most
correct answers on Round Six by being able to match the city
to the Newspaper. (Pssst! Paper is making a comeback! We
think...) Promising sign was all teams knew the Dallas Morning
News! (Quiz Master Lou remembers the local paper of record
as being Dallas Times Herald, but I digress...)
Deadly Alliance came in third but still snagged a prize. If
they had gotten the Double-or-Nothing on the final Round Seven,
they would have leaped into first, but it was not to be. Still,
it was a glorious failure.
Congratulations to our quiz writers who penned a pretty good
Round Four Guess Who Round. The subject was Sandra Day O'Connor, who, incidentally, used to live in Maricopa County, AZ where she served as State Senator, Assistant Attorney General, sat
as a Superior Court and then an Appeals Court Judge! How's
that for a cosmic coinkydink? Our Thursday FaceBook question
of the week was, What is the name of the rare Norwegian dog
that translates to "Puffin dog"? One of my fb wags put down
Opushund. I had to admonish him that Opus was a penguin and
not a puffin.
Running Trivia while the world burns, this is Quiz Master Lou
signing off! Have a weekend.