Quiz Recap – The Oaks Tavern – Wed Mar 29 2023 — King Trivia

The Oaks Tavern

13625 Moorpark St
Sherman Oaks CA 91423
(818) 789-0401
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm
About The Oaks Tavern

Unpretentious neighborhood bar with Karaoke, pool, shuffleboard, craft beer and cocktails!!!!


Wed Mar 29 2023
| by Quizmaster Mike Bauman

The Wednesday evening King Trivia at The Oaks Tavern was nothing to shake a stick at. Atomic Broccoli scored 55 and came in first place while not shaking a stick at anything. AFC Richmond finished in second place and, while they had a very elaborate stick, did not shake it. Third place went to Tequila Tots who, sadly, left their sticks on the bus.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 92917 Atomic Broccoli 55 5 1.000
2 AFC Richmond 46 4 0.800
3 72345 Tequila Tots 44 3 0.600
4 Fito 34 1 0.300
4 94141 Flaming Telepaths 34 1 0.300
6 17544 Ceviche 33 0 0.000