The Paddle Pub

4915 Lakewood Rd
Stanwood WA 98292
(360) 652-4156
About The Paddle Pub

A newly remodeled restaurant. Which now serves amazing food for all taste, fine dining to finger food. We have an amazing staff! 
Come see us!


Wed Jan 30 2019
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

The paddle pub proved, once again, to be a great time. Team Austin & Friends, when the questions started, asked, " Can we get the third grade version?" Not even Who's smarter than a fifth grader? WOW!

The game was always a neck and neck tie, but the tie breaker pushed Team Better Late Than Pregnant ahead one point for the win.

Everyone had a good time and there were laughs abound. This is what Trivia Night is all about. Thank you, Paddle Pub for allowing us to have Wednesday nights for trivia!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1* Better late then pregnant 31 1 1.000
2 Austin & Friends 30 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker