The Paddle Pub

4915 Lakewood Rd
Stanwood WA 98292
(360) 652-4156
About The Paddle Pub

A newly remodeled restaurant. Which now serves amazing food for all taste, fine dining to finger food. We have an amazing staff! 
Come see us!


Wed Feb 6 2019
| by Quizmaster David Monaghan

A HUGE shoutout to Ryan, the owner of the Paddle Pub! THANK YOU! Last night was a truly fun and hilarious evening!
Ryan and a few of his friends had dinner at the Pub and then all joined in and played Trivia!
The husbands and Ryan played a great game! It was a TV themed night and everyone, especially the kids, did a great job with their answers!

The wives did a wonderful job with their answers, as well! The whole evening was so much fun and the questions, while being a bit difficult, were answered with a lot of brain power applied!

All I can say is GOOD JOB, PADDLE PUB!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Husbands 43 2 1.000
2 wives 28 1 0.500
3 kids 18 0 0.000