Quiz Recap – The Pitcher House – Thu Dec 28 2017 — King Trivia

The Pitcher House

409 N Pacific Coast Hwy.
Redondo Beach CA 90277
(310) 374-0001


Thu Dec 28 2017
| by Quizmaster Donnie Shradar

Jimmy provided a Fireball cooler to give away to the team with the best name.  It was awarded to Team My Trivia Partner Doesn't Know This is a Date!

Round 2:  Teams were tasked with identifying the states by peeping 8 of their outlines.

Round 4:  All about Mark Twain

Round 7:  Due to the end of the year upcoming, and with Friday being "Tick Tock Day," teams were asked to identify the 10 artists with songs that include the word 'Time.'  Some of these were Billy Joel, Culture Club, and Eddie Murphy!

It was great having Jon and Vickie in the house tonight.  They were the former hosts of Trivia at Pitcher House for about 4 years!  They finished 3rd (Picture 3).

Tonight's winners were Jolly Rodger (Picture 1) and 2nd place was The Ohio Players (Picture 2).

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10921 Jolly Rodger 65 12 1.000
2 11299 The Ohio Players 53 11 0.917
3 We Have 2 Hours to Get Vickie Drunk 52 10 0.833
4 10920 #MeThree 48 9 0.750
5 To Be Determined 42 8 0.667
6 10918 New Year, New Poo 37 7 0.583
7 Drucker Nation 35 6 0.500
8 The C Team 34 4 0.375
8 My Trivia Partner Doesn't Know This is a Date 34 4 0.375
10 Santa Sleighdies 33 3 0.250
11 Jus' Peachy 28 2 0.167
12 Team Ramrod 17 1 0.083
13 Wasted Seamen 11 0 0.000