Quiz Recap – The Pizza Press - NoHo – Thu Sep 27 2018 — King Trivia

The Pizza Press - NoHo

5077 Lankershim Blvd a
North Hollywood CA 91601
(818) 308-6353
About The Pizza Press - NoHo

THE PIZZA PRESS experience delivers delicious new creations, old classics, and the rare chance to create your very own pizza—prepared right in front of you! Families will marvel at our modern twist on the Roaring Twenties decor, complete with quirky newspapers from yesteryear. Whether you’re on the go, ordering in, or stopping by, discover how The Pizza Press is revolutionizing America’s favorite food.

In addition to “Publish Your Own Pizza”, our professional chef made sure to create eight delicious pizzas inspired by newspapers from around the country, including “The Times”, “The Tribune”, and “The Chronicle”. He also made sure we were in tune with current market trends, such as the use of fresh and nutritious ingredients in a fast, build-your-own environment. The result is a unique and newsworthy spin on one of America’s most popular foods.


Thu Sep 27 2018
| by Quizmaster Arash Ghanavatian

Extra!! Extra!! Read All About It

Epic night over at the Pizza Press with the all the great teams that showed up. It was a close battle between all teams, all the way through. In the first round we had The Devils Triangle and Rough Draft tied up with 12 points a piece and Turd Ferguson and Hi with 8. After round 2 there was still a tie for first but Hi separated themselves by giving them a 1 point lead claiming third place. However Turd Ferguson came back in round 3 to tie again for third place and the tie for first between Devils Triangle and Rough Draft still continued. It wasn't Round 5 where the Devils Triangle separated themselves with a ten point lead ahead of the next placed team. The rough draft ended up losing their positioning falling behind Turd Ferguson who claimed third place. Team Hi kept the pace steady as they moved up and grabbed second, while The Devils Triangle told the other teams to go to hell while they high-stepped their way into first place becoming our King and Queen of trivia!


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Devils Triangle 73 4 1.000
2 10808 Hi 63 3 0.750
3 11592 Turd Ferguson 61 2 0.500
4 The Rough Draft 57 1 0.250
5 Christine Baranski 52 0 0.000