The Press Restaurant

129 Harvard Ave.
Claremont CA 91711
(909) 625-4808


Tue Jun 4 2019
| by Quizmaster Dawn McGowan

This week at The Press...

What a great week at The Press, seeing some returning teams that have been absent for a few weeks.

Round 5, the Find the Connection round, seemed to be a bit hard for all teams. The teams didnt score more than 6 points in round 5 but everyone made it up in round 6 with some and almost perfect scores.

For the beer round this week, we played "Adult Heads Up". Each team had 1 min to get one of their teammates to guess the answers by giving clues and gestures. We had a tie between Lady and the Tramp Stamps and The 3hree Cabelleros so we has each team give 1 guesser and 1 clue giver and they battled it going head to head. Lady and the Tramp Stamps proved to be a bit dirty/naughty with the clues and gestures but it helped them take the win. Some of the words/phrases included things like crotch rocker, lady garden, peanut gallery, Thanksgiving pants and these were some of the not so adult ones lol.

Every week here at The Press continues to be fun and always have new memories.

Until next week The Press...


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Quiz Team-A Aguilera 67 6 1.000
2 13434 Just the Two of Us 64 5 0.833
3 15346 Lady and the Tramp Stamp 51 4 0.667
4 19025 Stone Cold Stunning 46 3 0.500
5 The 3hree Caballeros 43 2 0.333
6 13642 Suhhh Dudes 41 0 0.083
6 O'Trivia Newton John 41 0 0.083