Quiz Recap – The Recess Room – Tue Jan 14 2020 — King Trivia

The Recess Room

18380 Brookhurst Street
Fountain Valley CA 92708
(714) 377-0398
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One fateful day three decades ago, five boys picked up a game of handball during school recess on a Fountain Valley playground. They grew up together, became life-long friends and pursued their own ambitions. But they shared a deep love for their hometown and dreamed of one day opening a restaurant together where they could share good food, good drinks and reminisce about good times. The Recess Room is their childhood dream come to life.


Tue Jan 14 2020
| by Quizmaster Charlotte Knight

We were happy to have some oldies and some newbies join us at the Recess Room for King Trivia fun!

The Ballkickers came to check out the scene, and although they were the caboose of tonight's winner train, they had fun, and gave the ol' double-down-on-everything-because-what-do-we-have-to-lose strategy a go. Areaa was supposed to strictly just be in for a meeting, but as it turns out, King Trivia makes for a good team building exercise!

Ava's Minions had a volcanic double-down whoopsie daisy, which put them in fifth place -- but we're just considering this a warmup for their Season 11 stats.

Baby Cheeses, on the other hand, would have taken home the gold if they doubled down on their Z themes and volcano locations. But playing it safe (and having that confidence in 2020 Best Picture nominees) still sent them home with $10.

Thirsty Pretzels were dominating practically through the whole game, but Highway Stars doubled down on their Academy Award favorites, stealing the win out from under their noses. But they did get a free appetizer for being the first to guess Gwyneth Paltrow (and NOT Drew Barrymore) as our Guess Who? of the week. So even a group of Pretzels can't be THAT salty with their placing, can they?

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12170 Highway Stars 62 5 1.000
2 12876 Thirsty Pretzels 59 4 0.800
3 20782 Baby Cheeses 53 3 0.600
4 Areaa 51 2 0.400
5 20136 Ava’s Minions 38 1 0.200
6 The Ballkickers 12 0 0.000