The White Harte

22456 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 224-3822
About The White Harte

"A British pub so legitimate that British people actually frequent it, Woodland Hills' White Harte Pub is also popular with everyone from the just-turned-21 crowd to the middle-aged happy hour set."


Tue Jan 31 2017
| by Quizmaster Adam Hardie

The competition was hot and the scores were close all throughout our game at The White Harte! First, in our "Find the Fool" drinking round where I took a regular deck of cards and shuffled in a Joker, teams had to guess how many cards it would take before that little bastard popped up and closest won! Well, we had a tie! Both "Chimi-F'in'-Changas" and "Periodic Table Dancers" were 3 away in opposite directions with the Joker being (coincidentally, since it was the "drinking" round) the 21st card! To break the tie, I had each team draw a card and highest card won. The Table Dancers drew a 5 and the Cimichangas drew a 6! (The ironic part in all of this is they were the only team with a player who was WAAAAY under the legal drinking age!! With a double down in round 6 which really clenched the lead! In 1st place of our Trivia game, "The Deported and Max!" Without getting too political, I hope next week Max isn't flying solo. Despite a double down hick-up earlier in the game and NOT doubling in round 6 (where they scored a perfect 10) "Dusty, Lucky & Ned" claimed 2nd place! (I'm gonna be honest, it took me WAY too long figure out that 3 Amigos reference! Bad Adam, Bad!) narrowly losing our drinking round, but still coming in 3rd was "Periodic Table Dancers" and 3rd place is still an elemental reason for screaming "OPAAA" or taking off your clothes, depending on their name's meaning.

Congrats to our winners! Thank you ALL so much for playing, please join me right here, same bat time, same bat channel! This is your friendly neighborhood Quizmaster signing off!

-Adam    \m/(>.<)\m/

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Deported & Max 54 7 1.000
2 10206 Dusty, Lucky & Ned 51 6 0.857
3 Periodic Table Dancers 45 5 0.714
4 Remember the Lime Shortage? 42 4 0.571
5 KatieSexFriends 40 3 0.429
6 The New Guys FOREVER 38 2 0.286
7 Chimi-F'in'-Changas 37 1 0.143
8 Trench Foot Salad 22 0 0.000