The White Harte

22456 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 224-3822
About The White Harte

"A British pub so legitimate that British people actually frequent it, Woodland Hills' White Harte Pub is also popular with everyone from the just-turned-21 crowd to the middle-aged happy hour set."


Tue Jun 19 2018
| by Quizmaster Adam Hardie

With the World Cup in full swing The White Harte was looking more like a mead hall than a pub! Teams did not let all those extra tables go to waste! It was PACKED tonight! I felt like I was in Trivia Valhalla!

For tonight's drinking round I figured I'd tug on some nostalgia strings and play "KERPLUNK!" But with a twist! Instead of having the least amount of marbles at the end, the winner was whomever had the closest to 7 without going over. Yeah, Price is Right rules! Most people had 0 or 1, one player had 16! But our rep from the MOISTketeers got some drinks with 5 marbles! No marbles were lost, because let's face it... I lost my marbles a LONG time ago!

For our real trivia game...

He may have an amazing voice but let's face it, Steve Perry is a damn liar! There's no Such Thing as South Detroit! Came in 3rd place and took home the $10 GC! They go on and on and on and oooh!

My players know, I'm more of a nerd than a sports fan. So it should be no surprise that I thought tonight's 2nd place team's name Strakarnir Okkar was Klingon instead of the Icelandic battle cry "our boys" in support of their team in the World Cup! (Oh yeah, I googled that shit!)

Our winning team's namesake left me very confused in the 90's as a young metalhead. I hated pop music, but... my hormones! Because... It's Brittany, Bitch! For the 2nd week in a row took home the mantle of 1st place!

Congrats to our winners! Thank you ALL so much for playing! Please join me right here, same bat time, same bat channel! This is your friendly neighborhood Quizmaster signing off!

-Adam \m/(>.<)\m/

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10350 It's Brittany, Bitch! 57 10 1.000
2 10206 Strakarnir Okkar 54 9 0.900
3 15090 There's No Such Thing as South Detroit 49 8 0.800
4 10735 Periodic Table Dancers 46 7 0.700
5 14206 The Fighting Mongooses 42 6 0.600
6 12516 Celesbians 40 5 0.500
7 15251 The Trivia Squanchers 32 4 0.400
8 13753 Cowboys and Indians 29 3 0.300
9 She Made Me Quiz Early 28 1 0.150
9 You Go Glen Coco 28 1 0.150
11 10058 MOISTketeers 25 0 0.000