The White Harte

22456 Ventura Blvd.
Woodland Hills CA 91364
(818) 224-3822
About The White Harte

"A British pub so legitimate that British people actually frequent it, Woodland Hills' White Harte Pub is also popular with everyone from the just-turned-21 crowd to the middle-aged happy hour set."


Tue Apr 16 2019
| by Quizmaster Adam Hardie

DAAAAAAAAMN! I felt like I was on fire tonight! Really, it was the energy from my players at The White Harte! YOU were amazing tonight! It's a perfect cycle of energy!

Coming in 3rd was The Irregardless! Who won... see regardless: 1 adjective: despite the prevailing circumstances

Winning 2nd place tonight, The Trivia Squanchers! Which might sound like nonsense, but to my fellow Rick & Morty fans is squanching squanchier than Squanch!

Tonight's champions, Team Artemis didn't only take the hunter's mark and nail a 1st place victory. But they also got a bullseye on tonight's drinking round "Cards Against Sobriety!" (Cards Against Humanity ...but for drinks.) That game is a little vulgar, which explains why they were sheepish to claim the win and proof that I may need therapy. But hey, a win is a win right? Wait... Do I really have no shame? This may be a problem? NAAAAHHHHH!!!!

Congrats to our winners! Thank you ALL so much for playing! Please join me right here, same bat time, same bat channel! (The White Harte, Tuesdays @ 8pm) This is your friendly neighborhood Quizmaster signing off!

-Adam \m/(>.<)\m/


Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 12618 Team Artemis 42 5 1.000
2 15251 The Trivia Squanchers 40 4 0.800
3 16720 The Irregardless 36 3 0.600
4 19362 Winos 33 2 0.400
5 Affidavit 31 1 0.200
6 19368 Dumb Monkies 29 0 0.000