Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Jun 23 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

What a great turnout. We had such great weather and people that some players elected to use the patio for tonight's game. We saw the return of Werty from weeks prior, and the rest of the teams were all new to the Tilted Mash. 

As groups came in to escape the heat, they brought some heat of their own as they fought for rank. The crowned champions of this week was the group "Three's Company" winning the first place slot by 17 points. It's been a great night being here, and i'll see you next time here at The Tilted Mash.

***************Fun Trivia Fact of the Week***********************

As the weather heats up, I turn your focus once again to how our animal counterparts are battling the heat. This week i'll focus on the desert shrew. This tiny creature that lives in the southern quarter of the US and regions in Mexico has an incredibly efficient set of kidneys, low metabolic rate, but most impressively these creatures can get by without drinking any water! That's right. These creatures bear the worst temperatures the desert has to throw at them and metabolically produce all of the water they need from the prey they eat. I'll think of them when trying to survive this summer....but will also be reaching for the thermostat and a glass of water.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 28407 Three's Company 58 4 1.000
2 28402 Darrin Everchange and his friends 41 3 0.750
3 28411 The boozey bunch 31 2 0.500
4 27776 Werty 25 1 0.250
5 28408 The Terribles 23 0 0.000