Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Aug 25 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

Was tonight a great night for trivia or what!?

I was delighted to see the familiar faces of Just for Fun making their return to trivia. They were eager to get back in the game against long running competitors who have been dominating the weekly leaderboard here at the Tilted Mash, Flying SoloIn the Heights, and We Need Help. We also welcomed a new team into the mix, Brown Pony Express

For the first time, I saw a three way tie pop-up after round three was submitted, so it was anyone's game well into the next few rounds. By the final round, we had everyone claiming their own spots on the leaderboard, some with a very small lead over the competition; some only by a single point! Flying solo managed to take home the gold tonight and earn themselves two 4-packs of their choice. Congratulations teams! See you next time

***********************Fun Fact of the Week************************

That question in round one pertaining to subatomic particles reminded me of a great story I heard that revolutionized the world. That story is of the great scientist, Dmitri Mendeleev. NO NO please don't tune out, I promise it's interesting! There have been many great stories of scientists who have revolutionized the world through their obsession from those that smuggled parasites in their own body for research and doctors who performed medical procedures on themselves (come find me before or after shows to hear more)

Okay okay the story of Dmitri Mendeleev, the Russian chemist was that he was a child amongst over 10 other borthers and sisters living in siberia after their father passed. His mother, desperate to get young Dmitri an education road over 1,200 miles with him on horseback and was able to convince St. Petersburg university to admit him before passing. Young Dmitri became obsessed with study the elements from their reactivity to their physical and chemical properties. He struggled to group them all into a table, obsessing day and night to find a way to arrange them that made sense. During his time in the 1860s, only 60 elements were known, and Dmitri struggled to find a way to make them all fit neatly into a table before having his Eureka moment: What if some elements simply haven't been discovered? Mendeleev was so confident in the periodic table he created that when other scientists would announce they had discovered a new element, he could take a glance at their research, give it a quick read, march up to them, and tell them they are wrong....ABOUT THEIR OWN RESEARCH! and the great part was is that Mendeleev was right. As you go about your day today, I hope you walk with the confidence and self-assuredness of Dmitri Mendeleev 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 30848 Flying Solo 42 4 1.000
2 30844 We need help 39 3 0.750
3 28094 In The Heights 37 2 0.500
4 32275 Brown Pony Express 32 1 0.250
5 26542 Just For Fun 20 0 0.000