Tilted Mash

9175 Union Park Way
Elk Grove CA 95624
About Tilted Mash


Wed Sep 15 2021
| by Quizmaster Daniel Herrmann

Welcome back, Welcome back! This last trivia we had Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers faced off against I Thought This was an AA Meeting and Ceja +1. It was fun to see a tie after three rounds with second place not far behind! A double or nothing played in the list round payed off for Ceja +1 scoring them 20 points late in the game. 


Just for fun, and since it was my last time here at the Tilted Mash, we played trivia inside of trivia with how tall is your quizmaster. Many people of the three teams placed bets for an over under. In the end, a contestant from I thought this was an AA meeting won and was kind enough to split the pot with me. You people bring a tear to my eye with your kindness and fun times. If I don't see you again, thankyou all for the fun times and moments like tonight.


************************Fun Trivia Fact of the Week********************

Oh the writers of King Trivia did it again, stumbling across another one of my passions, namely martial arts. In Round 5 there was a question regarding celebrities and martial arts, so now I have to take you back to hollywood in another recap. Did you know that several celebrities were avid martial arts practitioners that continued practicing outside of the movie roles they studied for? Ashton Kutcher practiced Taekwondo, Robert Downey Jr. studied the martial art known as Wing Chun made famous by the Ip Man movie series (best martial arts movie saga ever for the action alone. Trust me) and can be spotted in the iron man movies with a training dummy or performing wing chun movements in the Sherlock Holmes movies, and almost all actors who were jedi or sith in the star wars movies had to go through rigorous swordsmanship studies rather than just performing choreography. Now that's dedication!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 33595 Ceja+1 52 2 1.000
2 31739 Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers 43 1 0.500
3 33598 I thought this was an AA meeting 28 0 0.000