Two Saints Tavern

52 Gainsborough Street
Boston MA 2115
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Wed Apr 13 2022
| by Quizmaster Will Riley

Another Wednesday passes, which too means that another week of King Trivia has passed, aswell. This was the week of the Northeastern Law Students. As they assembled under the name "acabaddies," they let folks know that their knowledge expanded past random Scalia dissents from the 90's. In fact, their knowledge made its way from famous domes to extensive knowledge on hardwoods, which was only bested by their expertise on regional pizza differences from across the country. As strong as their performance was, they were followed very closely by the rest of the teams, but they remained on top through and through. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 61185 acabaddies 41 5 1.000
2 48676 Tiny dancers 38 4 0.800
3 61182 Joaquin Bottom Stans 31 3 0.600
4 50631 LavaBoys 30 1 0.300
4 40080 how do I contact David Duchovny? 30 1 0.300
6 61188 Totally spies 22 0 0.000