Upper Crust Pizza & Pasta

2415 Mission Street
Santa Cruz CA 95059


Wed Feb 9 2022
| by Quizmaster Roman

A good night to be back. Our teams all had a wonderful time competing with one another, and there was plenty of friendly banter going on between teams during and in between rounds. No matter what happened, everyone kept up the competitive attitude that we all have come to love about trivia nights. Our teams fluctuated in score, going back and forth with each other, until our last few rounds where our winning team took and controlled the lead. Our other teams put up a valiant effort, and it ended up being a wonderful night. I can't wait to see what next week brings!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 52017 Dardoodbri 35 2 1.000
2 52018 We love festas! 30 1 0.500
3 52015 FAV Team 20 0 0.000