Upper Crust Pizza & Pasta

2415 Mission Street
Santa Cruz CA 95059


Wed Feb 16 2022
| by Quizmaster Roman

A quiet, but competitive game happened tonight at Upper Crust Pizza and Pasta. Our teams were all relatively close in score for a majority of our game, with hushed whispers being heard throughout the restaurant. Teams groaned and cheered when we went over our correct answers, with our first handout round being the source of many of those cheers. My personal favorite moment was all of our players hearing the answer to our question about the last date where each individual number was odd, with everyone getting close but just one number off. I hope we get another round just like it next week. I'll see you there everyone!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 52886 Festa fanatics 40 2 1.000
2 52252 Yoshi 27 1 0.500
3 52814 We’re Young and Beautiful and Never Going to Die 26 0 0.000