No Love in the air tonight at Vennture... kidding!! We did start slow, not even sure we were going to get a game in tonight, but right before 7 a regular team of 4 came in for a some friendly competition. Since they were the only people here, they decided to split into 2 teams and face off. Our trusty bartender Kyle took the last spot and we started off! It was a light hearted night, moving at the speed of conversation and laughing at each other's goofiest answers. Kyle had another rockstar night (like last week) and finished 1st! As we all know, he can't win a giftcard because he works at Vennture, so our 2nd and 3rd place teams took home 1st and 2nd!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | Haters x 2 | 36 | 2 | 1.000 | |
2 | Beer my valentine | 19 | 1 | 0.500 | |
3 | Partying Pink Penguins | 17 | 0 | 0.000 |