Wormtown Brewery- Worcester

72 Shrewsbury St
Worcester MA 1604
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Wed Nov 17 2021
| by Quizmaster Ericka Berman


Another big week at Wormtown Worcester. We had 17 teams with scores across the board. Most of the crowed had similar scores with only a few outliers at the start. We had some new faces this week, trivia regulars from a different bar, who pulled up to the top of the pack towards the end of the night. It was the Rattys second time playing with us, and they snagged third with two successful double or nothings in the last two rounds. But it wasn’t enough to dethrone the Morans and Wet Bandits who ended the night within one point of each other.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 34158 Morans 75 16 1.000
2 36955 The Wet Bandits 74 15 0.938
3 40083 The Rattys 62 14 0.875
4 40096 Pabst Schmere 57 13 0.813
5 40059 Where's Nate? 49 12 0.750
6 38443 The Winners 45 11 0.688
7 40094 Wormtown Milers 42 10 0.625
8 40087 Risky Quizness 40 9 0.563
9 40088 L6 39 8 0.500
10 36944 Wormtown Witches 38 7 0.438
11 35508 BLANNIE 36 6 0.375
12 37767 TeixMex 30 4 0.281
12 37762 Leviathans 30 4 0.281
14 40090 Blue footed boobies 29 3 0.188
15 36215 Teacher’s aren’t smart 27 2 0.125
16 40076 Joe’s Cousins 14 1 0.063
17 40067 Gluck Gluck 9000 6 0 0.000