Wormtown Brewery- Worcester

72 Shrewsbury St
Worcester MA 1604
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm


Wed Apr 13 2022
| by Quizmaster Ericka Berman

It was a great night at Wormtown tonight, lots of new teams, some regulars and a few teams we havent seen in a while! Wormtown Witches killed it for their first time back in a while, they were in the lead for most of the game. TeixMex had to break into two teams, this week. They were neck and neck with their other half Cha Cha Slide 2. Close on Wormtown Witches tails the whole game. It was a shocker when coming from the middle of the pack John triviolta doubled down in the final round and claimed the lead, booting out Cha Cha Slide 2 from top three. 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 56823 John triviolta 49 13 1.000
2 36944 Wormtown Witches 47 11 0.885
2 34152 TeixMex 47 11 0.885
4 61184 Cha Cha Slide 2 43 10 0.769
5 61174 Turtle girl 🍑 38 9 0.692
6 48675 Theory and Practice 36 8 0.615
7 61162 PomeranianLovers420 35 7 0.538
8 61178 Noodles 33 6 0.462
9 61179 Master gaiters 32 5 0.385
10 37762 Leviathans 31 4 0.308
11 35508 BLANNIE 27 3 0.231
12 61177 Intergalactic Weasels 23 2 0.154
13 61161 WormTownRats 20 1 0.077
14 61180 The Tree People 14 0 0.000