Another Round

660 Fort Worth Ave
Dallas TX 75208
(214) 233-6316


Tue Oct 19 2021
| by Quizmaster Anthony Spurgin

The Sea Shells and The Paint Crew commenced playing at 8:20 and it was a close race! They were neck in neck for a long time until the paint crew etched out a victory at the 11th hour.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 36757 paint crew 22 1 1.000
2 36755 Wicked mad sea shells 19 0 0.000


Tue Oct 12 2021
| by Quizmaster Anthony Spurgin

Three teams joined us for Trivia Night at Another Round. Team Ad Hoc, Lo's Bros and Gesa. Gesa had to step out early after round 5 making them the third place winners and Ad Hoc emerged victorious with 46 points and Lo's Bros close behind at second with 41.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 35995 Team Ad Hoc 46 2 1.000
1 35995 Team Ad Hoc 46 2 1.000
2 35994 Lo’s Bros 41 1 0.500
2 35994 Lo's Bros 41 1 0.500
3 35998 Gesa 20 0 0.000
3 35998 Gesa 20 0 0.000