Claremont Craft Ales

1420 N Claremont Blvd, Ste 204C
Claremont CA 91711
(909) 625-535
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
About Claremont Craft Ales

Located in eastern Los Angeles County in a picturesque college town, Claremont Craft Ales is dedicated to bringing premium hand-crafted ales to the local community. With a focus on freshness and variety, CCA has quickly become a favorite watering hole for a clientele that places a strong value on locally-made authentic products. As CCA grows into the future, we are excited to bring this beer philosophy to a wider audience.


Wed Mar 26 2025
| by Quizmaster Francisco Valera

Just a friendly reminder that you can feature yourself on the game page by submitting photos during the game!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 29131 The Ontologists 80 20 0.976
1 Regime of shrimp 80 20 0.976
3 155048 Puppy playdate 78 19 0.905
4 The Tar Pits 73 18 0.857
5 New phone, Houthis!? 70 17 0.810
6 143689 BOCA 60 16 0.762
7 Tiger Team 59 15 0.714
8 84961 On Wednesdays we wear pink 61 14 0.667
9 16814 Sharks on the Ark 60 13 0.619
10 117289 Big Blue Team 51 12 0.571
11 150554 Vernacular Manslaughter 46 11 0.524
12 32774 Suh Dudes 42 9 0.452
12 Cougs and friends 42 9 0.452
14 butts 34 8 0.381
15 Duck Duck Goose 32 7 0.333
16 155747 Greg 27 6 0.286
17 155702 Nacho Mamas 16 5 0.238
18 Cow 12 3 0.167
18 River and friends 12 3 0.167
20 Trying not to be last 10 2 0.095
21 the parent trap 9 1 0.048
22 Slaw Bunnies 4 0 0.000


Wed Mar 19 2025
| by Quizmaster Diana Perez

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16814 Sharks on the Ark 86 23 1.000
2 54699 NADS 85 22 0.957
3 29976 sitting at the bar 65 21 0.913
4 35629 The Tar Pits 62 20 0.870
5 Academe of Shrimp 58 19 0.826
6 155045 Springtime for Elon 55 18 0.783
7 We’re through the looking glass here, people 54 17 0.739
8 155071 Harlow and the girls 47 16 0.696
9 The Crafty Ales 48 15 0.652
10 The Shoulder Shruggers 47 14 0.609
11 150554 Vernacular Manslaughter 45 13 0.565
12 84961 On Wednesdays we wear pink 42 12 0.522
13 Fennec’s Folly 43 11 0.478
14 83776 Arctic Trivia Junkies 38 10 0.435
15 143689 BOCA 37 9 0.391
16 Scam Likely 38 8 0.348
17 117289 Big Blue Team 32 6 0.283
17 Catpybara 32 6 0.283
19 152696 All I Need Is A Little Jugito 30 5 0.217
20 155048 Puppy playdate 28 4 0.174
21 155058 Aldersgate 22 3 0.130
22 100540 McDinger Magic 18 2 0.087
23 The Alkyhaulics 15 0 0.022
23 153335 Stitch’n Bitch 15 0 0.022


Wed Mar 12 2025
| by Quizmaster Francisco Valera

It's always nice to be welcomed in to the wonderful Claremont Craft Ales.


Thanks for playing! We'll see you next Wednesday.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 16814 Sharks on the Ark 67 17 1.000
2 54699 NADS 66 16 0.941
3 29976 sitting at the bar 63 15 0.882
4 Shenanigans 61 14 0.824
5 35629 The Tar Pits 54 13 0.765
6 Among Us Gurlz 53 12 0.706
7 117289 Big Blue Team 52 11 0.647
8 154497 playing for egg money 51 10 0.588
9 29131 The Ontologists 48 9 0.529
10 154482 Scheme of Shrimp 46 8 0.471
11 143689 BOCA 45 7 0.412
12 154511 Dad Bod of Knowledge 39 6 0.353
13 98646 JFK Just Did That 38 5 0.294
14 Puppy play date 35 4 0.235
15 3 stoners and a baby 26 3 0.176
16 Cali Wine Sticks 22 2 0.118
17 154512 Thought daughter 20 0 0.029
17 I got worms 20 0 0.029