Henry's Lounge

2019 O Street
Sacramento CA 95811


Tue Oct 19 2021
| by Quizmaster Maxwell Kappes


This week Cheddar Traditional returned to reclaim their mantle. I told them that I'm Surrounded by Assholes were our reigning champions in hopes of pairing the two teams up for a healthy rivalry, but ultimately they were too far away from each other to sufficiently trash talk.


Dansbury Trashers rolled in from their farm to lay the other teams out to pasture. That analogy works, right? I dunno. Basically they won.


Oh, and afk was there. Rudely giving me the middle finger and providing the light heckling that I thrive off of.


Anyway that was trivia. Come back next week and I'll be sure to pair your team up with another one so the two of you acn have a healthy rivalry that you will tell your grandchildren about one day.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 36756 Dansbury Trashers 53 3 1.000
2 27413 Cheddar Traditionãl 45 2 0.667
3 36751 I’m Surrounded By Assholes 41 1 0.333
4 36750 Afk 35 0 0.000


Tue Oct 12 2021
| by Quizmaster Maxwell Kappes

Three teams battled it out last night for the trivia champion mantle. After some hesitence Destroying Children decided to join us, and managed to bring in a pinch hitter who brought with him encyclopedic knowledge of both elected officials in Texas and Pokemon. One of those two subjects was valuable during trivia, and the other made the team a delight to talk to.

Encyclopedic Ignorance returned, giving their strongest performance yet as they sucessfully doubled their score from both list rounds by recruiting theater nerds and normal nerds.

Regretfully neither of those teams were able to contest with our visitors, Cheddar Traditional, who graced us with their presence and we graced with a $25 gift card.

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 27413 Cheddar Traditionãl 68 2 1.000
2 34662 Encyclopedic ignorance 59 1 0.500
3 36006 Destroying Children 43 0 0.000


Tue Oct 5 2021
| by Quizmaster Maxwell Kappes

It was a night with a lot of doubles and not a single nothing. Every team demonstrated they have annual passes to Disneyland with doubled perfect scores on the Disney villains round, though Smith Savages were the only team to sucessfully manage a second doubling.

We learned Jon Stewart is returning to our television screens last night, though I'm Surrounded By Assholes is the only team ready for it: I guess everyone else thought Dave Chappelle directed a war drama for some reason.

Team #2 was the second to join us, they considered naming themselves after their anticipated placement but given their finish they likely would have gotten that wrong as well. Awesome left us early, but his time with us was life changing and I hope he never leaves us. Trivia Baddy Daddies had the most harrowing story though, as they entered with only two phones: one at 14% and the other at 31%. Through sheer will, determination, and not checking twitter during scoring breaks they managed to hold out to the end.

Thanks for playing everyone, look forward to seeing you all again next week!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 35359 SMITH SAVAGES 67 4 1.000
2 33389 I'm Surrounded by Assholes 59 3 0.750
3 35357 Trivia baddy daddies 46 2 0.500
4 35356 Team 2 41 1 0.250
5 35371 Awesome 12 0 0.000