Omni Hotel at California Plaza
251 S Olive StLos Angeles CA 90012
- MUSIC BINGO—Wednesdays @ 5:30pm
A fun night at Noe per usual! The playists were full of bops tonight, featuring tunes from the 90s and 00s. The first two rounds got heated with some false bingos called, but ultimately repeat player Patty won due to his perseverance alone. We are still looking for Josh, who went missing promptly after joining the game. We closed out the night with Becca winning against a whopping no one, her odds couldn't have been better. Swing by next week for some sweet tunes and sweeter times.
One of the longest rounds of music bingo followed by the shortest round of music bingo! We had a blast bopping and jamming to some amazing tunes from the 1970s and from artists who have performed on SNL multiple times. If you want to come have fun with us next time, make sure to swing down to Noe on Wednesdays at 5:30!