Sawyers Brewing

4574 Dowling St
Montague MI 49437


Wed Oct 18 2023
| by Quizmaster Susan Karlowski

A real nailbiter here at Sawyers! Survey Slam was loads of fun! 

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 113553 Red Mountain 71 2 1.000
2 113557 TriviaNewtonJohn 62 1 0.500
3 Johns team 42 0 0.000


Wed Apr 26 2023
| by Quizmaster Cecelia Gorman

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 84697 Winston’s leg 62 8 1.000
2 82762 Blondies 58 7 0.875
3 79132 A Squared 55 6 0.750
4 It's Always Sunny in Montague 42 5 0.625
5 Michago Blue 38 4 0.500
6 Rumplum 25 3 0.375
7 88559 Grayling 23 2 0.250
8 Tregertha 20 1 0.125
9 Blue 15 0 0.000


Wed Apr 19 2023
| by Quizmaster Cecelia Gorman

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Water is Refreshing 39 5 1.000
2 96058 Star Belly’s 38 4 0.800
3 84697 Winston’s leg 33 3 0.600
4 86173 The Gaggle 30 2 0.400
5 88559 Grayling 23 1 0.200
6 79132 A Squared 22 0 0.000