The Revelry of Baton Rouge

3347 Highland Road
Baton Rouge LA 70802


Wed Oct 18 2023
| by Quizmaster The Revelry of Baton Rouge

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 the dingleberries 81 9 1.000
2 Dragon porn 80 8 0.889
3 113673 fantasy bitches 70 7 0.778
4 Goobers 58 6 0.667
5 Dicken baus inc. 55 5 0.556
6 Blue Balls 54 4 0.444
7 brick 51 3 0.333
8 Thing 1’s 41 2 0.222
9 Peen and Gabby and child 28 1 0.111
10 113676 Butterbitches 0 0 0.000


Wed Oct 11 2023
| by Quizmaster The Revelry of Baton Rouge

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 113050 slytherin my pants 86 46 1.000
2 Calling All Gryffinwhores 80 45 0.978
3 Wizards of Revelry Place 66 44 0.957
4 Slytherin this pussy 62 43 0.935
5 She who must not be named 60 42 0.913
6 buckbeak bitchez 54 41 0.891
7 113037 Rizzards! 50 40 0.870
8 113051 Slytherin Sluts 49 39 0.848
9 113035 Dumb and Dumbledore 44 38 0.826
10 dumble bitches 42 36 0.793
10 Wand ‘Em Up 42 36 0.793
12 We’re Dead Sirius 41 34 0.750
12 touch my longbottom 41 34 0.750
14 113060 let me slytherin your gryffindor 37 33 0.717
15 113029 three drumsticks 33 30 0.659
15 95441 The Telepathic Clap 33 30 0.659
15 Hagrid’s Harry Asshole 33 30 0.659
18 MB 30 29 0.630
19 The Potter Puppet Pals 26 28 0.609
20 My quiditch brings all the girls to the yard 21 26 0.576
20 113038 Unregistered SO 21 26 0.576
22 The Prefects 17 25 0.543
23 Sorceres stoners 16 23 0.511
23 Here for the Butterbeer 16 23 0.511
25 brick 15 21 0.467
25 Purple niples 15 21 0.467
27 Ravendoor 13 18 0.399
27 113019 patronus on the rocks 13 18 0.399
27 113043 The Longhorns 13 18 0.399
30 113032 ambiguous genitalia 5 17 0.370
31 Dumbledores Nutsack 0 0 0.001
31 113072 Hufflewhores 0 0 0.001
31 Slytherin that ass 0 0 0.001
31 compton wizarding school 0 0 0.001
31 113081 Reed 0 0 0.001
31 Peen and gabby 0 0 0.001
31 Jaldo 0 0 0.001
31 113025 Hedwig 0 0 0.001
31 113018 BAE 0 0 0.001
31 Slither this dick 0 0 0.001
31 Lord of the rings better 0 0 0.001
31 Tequila Sodas 0 0 0.001
31 113067 Team Palestine 0 0 0.001
31 Dumbledores nutsack 0 0 0.001
31 113039 The Eddys 0 0 0.001
31 pikey 0 0 0.001
31 Laurilliam 0 0 0.001


Wed Oct 4 2023
| by Quizmaster The Revelry of Baton Rouge

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Boots n Jeans 83 19 0.975
1 brick 83 19 0.975
3 Castano Birthday Train 82 18 0.900
4 112384 Joe Burrow's Housekeepers 69 17 0.850
5 112406 Steel your heart 66 14 0.717
5 95441 The Telepathic Clap 66 14 0.717
5 112390 Tank Top Wanker 66 14 0.717
8 Cocktober 61 13 0.650
9 Swiss for Prez 60 12 0.600
10 Big Tipper 59 11 0.550
11 112389 Anti bud light 57 10 0.500
12 Matt Straub 55 9 0.450
13 Mrs. Herrons hot 50 8 0.400
14 109207 Tequila sodas 49 7 0.350
15 Purple nirples 48 6 0.300
16 Roomies 24 5 0.250
17 Wills is Gay 0 0 0.010
17 floor 0 0 0.010
17 Basic bitches 0 0 0.010
17 112432 larry the lobsters tail 0 0 0.010
17 goob 0 0 0.010