Wally's Wisconsin Tavern
649 Division AveTacoma WA 98403
Hey hey Wally's! Thanks for joining me last night for a fun and interesting evening with KingTrivia! Hopefully you all had as much and more fun than I did (though I think it's safe to say we all had massive amounts of it!) Let's go ahead and congratulate the winners!
In 3rd place, we have The Valentines Day Massacre with 31 points!
In second place, It's Whiskey Business with 49 points!
And in first... please applaud Team Finky Starts with 53 points!
FANTASTIC! Come by next Wednesday for more fun, food, drink and more!
Signing off- K
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | 51814 | Finky starts | 53 | 4 | 1.000 |
2 | 45814 | Whiskey Buisness | 49 | 3 | 0.750 |
3 | 51818 | The Valentine’s Day Massacre | 31 | 2 | 0.500 |
4 | 50662 | Bruce Sucks | 15 | 1 | 0.250 |
5 | 51820 | Slime | 5 | 0 | 0.000 |
Hey Hey Wally's! Thanks a TON for joining me on Wednesday - Much love to everyone that used their noodles and got to laugh a little (That's my favorite part!) 🙂 But, without further ado, here are the standings for Wednesday's game:
In 3rd place; congrats to Team Tater Tot with a score of 32 (Whoo!)
2nd place with a total score of 35 goes to Punxsutawney Kill - Dang near killed me with pronouncing that one!
And in first place... Team Whiskey Business with a ten point lead of 45 points!
Congrats to everyone though, for REAL because frankly - these questions were tough!
Come see us next Wednesday for more prizes, food, drinks, laughs and a few extra IQ points! *Wink*
<3 K
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | 45814 | Whiskey Buisness | 45 | 4 | 1.000 |
2 | 50665 | Punxsutawney Kill | 35 | 3 | 0.750 |
3 | 50661 | Team Tater Tot | 32 | 2 | 0.500 |
4 | 50662 | Bruce Sucks | 30 | 1 | 0.250 |
5 | 50663 | Latitude 69 | 4 | 0 | 0.000 |
There was a mighty gathering at last night's game that absolutely enhanced the fun. That just made it easier for me to catch up with the teams. It a joyful night of knowledge and sweet prizes.
The rounds that evening were a hodgepodge of various questions. Players had to identify the images of celebrities that recently past this month. Geeze Louise, that one was quite a bummer for me personally. There was an Amazon related round. Samuel L. Jackson was the focus of the "Guess who" round. I didn't know that he was an usher for Dr. Martin Luther Kings's funeral. The more you know! Contestants had to match the actor to their cop character that they portrayed in movies & TV. Yours truly had a flub when I read out the answer in the "Find the Connection" round. Instead of saying Kung-fu, i said Karate. Whoops! Don't you hate it when you see the words and blurt out something completely different? And the players had to list off 7 novels from Jane Austen and name three Zodiac signs from January 20th-April 19th.
Now for the winners of the night's game. They earned themselves some really rad prizes! I'd say I was green with envy. In third place was Inlanders with 26 points. They got a cozy looking beanie and a t-shirt that may've been small for one of the contestants. Whiskey Business came in second with 30 points. They received a ton of swag that included two cooper mugs and pair of socks. And in first place, We're Technologically Illiterate with 33 points. They won a growler with a beer of their choosing. Congrats to all the winners! Woo-hoo!
I'd say my guest hosting night at Wally's was different from my usual hosting spot, but in a good way. The staff was nice. The teams were amazing. And I got one of those big, chewy pretzels! Yummy! If I get asked to host again, I'd definitely would say "yes" in a heart beat. This is Brittany, your Quizmaster, signing out!
Game Rank | Team # | Team Name | Score | Teams Beaten | Team Beat Average |
1 | 48721 | We're Technologically Illiterate | 33 | 3 | 1.000 |
2 | 45814 | Whiskey Buisness | 30 | 2 | 0.667 |
3 | 48713 | Inlanders | 26 | 1 | 0.333 |
4 | 48716 | MORE SMARTER | 2 | 0 | 0.000 |