O'Donovan's Pub

101 E 3rd St
Pomona CA 91766
(909) 397-4384
About O'Donovan's Pub

Visit our Irish pub for traditional Irish meals as well as our own unique dishes. We have a full bar with an emphasis on Whiskey.


Wed Mar 11 2020
| by Quizmaster Allison Jaramillo

Hey hey hey, O'Donny's! Welcome back to your weekly ass kicking!

We had a mediocre round one with only one team getting all the answers correct...but not checking the Double or Nothing box...what the heck, Ship of Fools?! Believe in yourself!

Both There's No Crying In Trivia and Rita Wilson's Widow Fund stepped it up in round two though by securing successful Double or Nothings leaving the rest of you in the dust by at least 8 points.

In round three, we all learned what the hell "saimin" is together. So that was weird. But also, we had FIVE successful Double or Nothings which is the most in any round we've ever had here at O'Donovan's MY DUDES! Must be the super moon or whatever.

And you guys kept the smarty pants theme going because in round four, I only had to read TWO clues before everyone guessed The White Stripes. I have to say, after the last couple of weeks, I am impressed! Ya'll woke up!

Our beer round this week had There's No Crying In Trivia turning their answer sheet before the music was even done playing. But Let's Get Quizzical wasn't far behind them. You two nearly tied...until I realized Let's Get Quizzical spelled "Zepplin" wrong. Nothing tastes better than a free pitcher of beer won solely on a spelling mistakes, amiright?

The next two rounds gave us a couple successful Double or Nothings and one unsuccessful one. But it was still anyone's game (except Ship of Fools) going into round seven.

And finally, to make for an extra sexy final round, we had Mystery Inc. and Rita Wilson's Widow Fund tie for second and third place. Rita Wilson's Widow Fund snatched the second place spot with a tie breaker win. And of course, a hearty congratulations to There's No Crying In Trivia for winning first place!

See you next week, pub prodigies!

xoxo Allison

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 24153 There's No Crying In Trivia 79 5 1.000
2* 14156 Rita Wilson's Widow Fund 64 3 0.700
2 21997 Mystery Inc. 64 3 0.700
4 19765 I WAS One 54 2 0.400
5 24158 OdonnaHoez 47 1 0.200
6 12369 Ship of Fools 38 0 0.000
* Won Tiebreaker