Quiz Recap – Settebello – Wed Jun 12 2019 — King Trivia


13455 Maxella Ave
Marina Del Rey CA 90292
(310) 306-820
About Settebello

Settebello is the most valuable and sought after card in the popular Italian card game Scopa. A deck of Scopa cards consists of 40 separate cards in 4 different suits. The suits include clubs, swords, cups and gold coins.

The Settebello is the nickname given to the seven of gold. Whichever player holds the Settebello at the end of a hand is awarded a point. The Settebello can also aid a player in winning a point for the primiera as well as for the player who holds the most gold cards. A typical game of Scopa is played to 11 points.

Scopa is an extremely popular card game in and around Napoli. You can try your hand at playing scopa online by going to www.scopacards.com. There are also several different scopa apps for iPhone.


Wed Jun 12 2019
| by Quizmaster Michael Cornacchia

7 terrific trivia teams competed at Settebello for a nail biting battle of smarts. "Bruins Suck" stayed strong and consistent coming in 7th with 30 points. "O-Hi-Energy" and "Sore Boozers" battled it out last night tying for 5th place with each team scoring 32 points. "Cornacchia and His Jungle Beauties" played an intense game coming in 4th with 47 points. BARELY squeaking past 4th place with 48 points to secure their spot at third place was one of our favorite returning teams, "Case of the Mondays." Another favorite returning team, "Drogo My Eggo" knocked it outta the park with a HUGE double or nothing gain sending them to second place with 55 points. And coming in strong and in the lead all night throwing down multiple double or nothings helping them reach the coveted first place with 66 points was yet another returning favorite, "Whose Baby Is This?" Congratulations to everyone who came out to play. What a fun night of King Trivia was had by all!!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 10202 Whose Baby Is This? 66 6 1.000
2 20470 Drogo My Eggo 55 5 0.833
3 14105 Case of the Mondays 48 4 0.667
4 Cornacchia and His Jungle Beauties 47 3 0.500
5 O-Hi-Energy 32 1 0.250
5 Sore Boozers 32 1 0.250
7 Bruins Suck 30 0 0.000