The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Aug 16 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Lestonides, son of Gorgax, descended to Earth to restore the planet’s waterfalls, he knew something was off when Plestorion was already there throwing something into a dried-out river bed. “What’re you doing?” asked Lestonides to Plestorion. “Uuuuuh,” said Plestorion, “Fishing.” “Fishing?” said Lestonides. “There hasn’t been a fish on this planet in a hundred years.” And there the two stood, staring each other down in a cosmical face off that lasted another hundred years and was just as tense as the last few moments of King Trivia at the Glendale Tap Wednesday night. Let’s talk.


Taking third place in scores (48) but first in name is Pubic Zirconium! In second place was a rousing showing of 50 points by Jazz Cats! And destroying the night was Queen Bees with 68 points! Do come back next week for more King Trivia fun at the Glendale Tap!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 98077 Queen Bees 68 4 1.000
2 Jazzcats 50 3 0.750
3 107749 pubic zirconium 48 2 0.500
4 J Crew 47 1 0.250
5 107750 Ross Perot RIP 44 0 0.000