The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Nov 29 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Metheles, God Of Pharmaceuticals, misplaced his stash (he could’ve sworn he hid it behind El Capitan; it wasn’t there), he racked his massive brain for where he may have put it. “I had four hundred million tons of Fun Gas cartridges, nine million tons of Lemon Shots, and two hundred million tons of Cheese and I can’t remember what I did with it!” He asked his mom Lucinda, Goddess Of Household Chores, “Mom, where’s my work?” (“Work” was a slang term for his stash that he only used around the police.) “Didn’t you bury it under those rocks at the bottom of Niagra Falls?” she asked. And sure enough, there everything was, a little soggy but still good stuff. He asked his mom to test some of it and she said: “Ooo, yeah! That’s good stuff!” The point is this: When you can hide your stash anywhere on Earth because you’re a god, write down on a post-it note where you hid it because gods have a lot on their plate.

The Drinking Round tonight was called “Do The Dew!” One person from each team came up and did a Mountain Dew commercial. Sweet Beans were not good at it, but they were adorable so they won and it’s always cool when the teams with only two people win free drinks!

In third place with 55 points was Robert & The Passengers. In second place with 64 pointswas Spotify Wrapped. And taking the night and having their way with it was Pizzadena with 75 points. Join us every Wednesday at 7:30 at the Glendale Tap!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 Pizzadena 75 3 1.000
2 spotify wrapped 64 2 0.667
3 113074 Robert & The Passengers 55 1 0.333
4 Sweet Beans 46 0 0.000