The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Dec 13 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Zevenerus, God Of Thumbtacks, lost his balance in the break room and dropped all the universe’s paper clips to the floor, the only sound heard was that of Gladerall, Goddess Of Cream, who brayed: “Uh-oh! Someone’s a klutz! Can I get you some coffee?” Her offering of warmth and caffeine had no effect on Zev for he was, unlike most Gods, on a caffeine-free diet. “You know I don’t like coffee,” he answered, “it tastes like a grownup drink.” Still, the matter of the paper clips needed immediate attention. Both Gods reckoned there were about a hundred of them spread out on the thin carpet floor and neither could remember the last time they bent down to pick up anything. “Bent down?” asked Glad. “God, I don’t think I’ve so much as lifted a finger since that time I lifted a finger to obliterate that farm a couple of centuries ago for taking my name in vein. And that was a literal lifting of my right index, to be exact. I swept it across their entire four acres and they were gone!” To demonstrate, she, right there in front of Zev, slid her index finger through the air and accidentally sent all the paper clips into the air. Like second nature, Zev summoned all thumbtacks in the office to swoop in to the break room and impale every last airborne paper clip to the walls around them. In a split second, all the previously spilled clips were affixed to the walls, as neatly as they used to be messy. “Unhook those for me, would you?” Zev asked Glad as he left the room. “All one hundred?” she asked. “Yyyyyyyup,” answered Zev from down the hall and into the next millennium. (He liked to make his exits interdimensional.) Here’s the point: When the gods give you lemons, don’t make lemonade because you know you gotta cut down on that sugar. Let’s talk.

Our three teams tonight were: Robert & The Passengers, The Cutthroat 3 and The Queen Bees. In third place, with a score of 31 points was Robert & The Passengers. In second, with a score of 45 points was Queen Bees. And taking the night were the scurvy knaves called The Cutthroat 3 with 48 points. Come back to the Glendale Tap every Wednesday night at 7:30 for more King Trivia fun!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 The Cutthroat 3 48 2 1.000
2 Queen Bees 45 1 0.500
3 Robert & The Passengers 31 0 0.000