The Glendale Tap

4227 San Fernando Rd
Glendale CA 91204
  • PUB QUIZ—Wednesdays @ 7:30pm


Wed Dec 27 2023
| by Quizmaster Matt Champagne

When Plosibis, God Of Garden Tools, pulled weeds with his mind, he’d sometimes accidentally pull those of his neighbors too. So not only would he have a clean yard after about ten seconds of mental weed pulling but also the gods on either side of him would enjoy a nice, well-tended garden without even asking for it. One day his next-door neighbor Lamanus, God Of Weeds, came over and was all: “Hey Plos. What’s up? Can you maybe cool it on my weeds this week? I gotta grow a big weed sculpture for my daughter’s quinceañera.” Lam went on to explain the piñata he had planned was not just a papier-mâché ox dangling from a noose, but a giant one that could move. One of his actor friends was gonna get inside it and run around and frighten the children. It was gonna be fun. He planned to have his overgrown weeds be carved into a maze for the kids and the ox to chase each other in. “Sounds fun,” said Plos, “but who’s sculpting your maze?” “Machete, God Of Knives,” answered Lam. “Oh, not Machete!” cried Plos. “He’ll kill everyone!” And it was there decided that Plos would wait for Lam’s weeds to grow a certain height and, with his mind, lop off only enough to make grass walls of the right height for Lam’s daughter’s quinceañera maze. Look, the point is this: No such mazes get built on Wednesdays at The Glendale Tap on King Trivia Night. Let’s talk:

Beyoncé was all over the quiz this week and so The Drinking Round was another Beyoncé Off. The winner was someone from The Hippy Dippity Pippity Hops who wasn’t fooling around. He wanted to win and his gravity alone clinched the victory. He likes singing Beyoncé and it showed.

In third place was Beer4Brains with 31 points. In second was The Hippy Dippity Pippity Hops with 58 points. And destroying the place was The Moops with 60 points! Come back next week and every Wednesday at 7:30 at the Glendale Tape for more King Trivia fun!

Game Rank Team # Team Name Score Teams Beaten Team Beat Average
1 87925 The Moops 60 3 1.000
2 119289 Hippity Dippity Pippity Hops 58 2 0.667
3 119276 Beer4Brains 31 1 0.333
4 81409 The Tapster 4 0 0.000